How volunteerism can make an impact in your workplace

Did you know programs that encourage employee volunteerism can strengthen your company’s ability to retain and attract talent?

When employees volunteer together, they may feel more connected to their company and coworkers through collaboration and shared values. This can help boost job satisfaction and loyalty.

Moreover, your company’s support of local or national causes may also shape perceptions of those outside the company—like customers, shareholders, community members and potential new hires. Younger generations, in particular, consider corporate work culture, involvement with causes and diversity and inclusion initiatives when deciding to take a new job.

While many employees would like to donate their time to causes they care about, busy personal lives can make finding time a challenge. Therefore, company-sponsored volunteer activities and benefits can go a long way to help them feel they can make a meaningful difference.

With National Volunteer Week (April 21–27) around the corner, now is an ideal time to consider ways to champion volunteerism in the workplace.

The following are some ideas to help engage employees:

Volunteer day activities
Companies can sponsor days on which volunteer activities are pre-arranged in the communities they serve. This is an opportunity for employees to connect with one another while giving back to the community.

Time off to serve
Some companies may give employees paid time off to support a cause of their choice, on their own schedule. Volunteer time-off policies can range from one hour per month to several workdays per year.

Pro bono service donations
Employers may allow employees to offer their professional skills to help further the goals of a charitable organization, while the company covers the expense of their time.

Matching time with monetary contributions
Some workplace programs match employee volunteer hours with a financial donation to that cause.

Monetary support
Making donations through automatic payroll contributions can be a convenient way for employees to give to their favorite charity. Some companies match charitable donations made by employees, maximizing financial support of worthy causes.